Important update: information system upgrade

We inform you that from January 10, 2025, the Library is proceeding with a change and upgrade of its information system, within the framework of the implementation of the program “Expansion and Enrichment with new Services of the Central Infrastructure for the Provision of an Integrated Library Environment as a Service” of the Association of Hellenic Academic Libraries. 

Academic libraries adopt the integrated open source information system Koha, which provides a modern program for managing the operations of a library and offers all the necessary tools for carrying out all its tasks and functions, in an efficient and modern manner.

At the same time, it ensures interconnectivity with other applications, supports Web 2.0 technologies and is compatible with the most basic library standards.

The advantages of the new system are the autonomy of the libraries, maintaining the possibility of collaboration, central cataloging and documentation of the material and “openness“.

Therefore, due to the data migration, we inform you that the following will apply in the coming period:

  • change of the navigation environment in the OPAC search catalog under construction
  • all user accounts are temporarily abolished and renewals and holds are made only at the lending office.
  • the automatic lending machines will operate as soon as possible

Please contact the staff on the ground floor of the library with any questions or if you need any assistance.


Thank you for your understanding!

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