E – Resources

Electronic resources are journals, books and other materials such as photo archives, museum catalogs, encyclopedias, dictionaries, audio files, videos, etc. that are provided through large databases , either at the level of bibliographic reference or in full text.

Electronic resources  provide a modern and easy-to-use digital environment for searching and retrieving information and content, essential at the various stages of the educational and research process, while at the same time facilitating the creation of bibliographic references.

Electronic databases provide a multitude of advantages, including:

  • targeted content search (topic, title, author, keywords, chronology, etc.).
  • conducting your research remotely, without being in the Library.
  • printing and/or downloading articles.
  • the content is constantly available even when the Library is closed.

The Library provides its members:

electronic resources through the Heal-Link portal, as  member of the Association of Hellenic Academic Libraries (Heal Link), as well as individual databases with more specialized content, and

electronic resources through subscriptions of Panteion University that respond to more specialized needs of the Panteion community.

E- Resources via Heal – Link

Heal-Link provides full text in electronic journals and books as well as in bibliographic databases through the Association of Hellenic Academic Libraries . You can search alphabetically, by subject, or by publisher. The Unified Search option is also provided through the Heal-link platform.

Remote access depends on the publisher/provider. See the list of publishers participating in the AAI infrastructure (Uregister codes). Alternatively, connect with a Proxy Server. In case of inability to find an article from the basic search options, consult the Heal-Link table of electronic journals by publisher.

Scopus is the bibliographic and citation database of Elsevier, with simultaneous search to more than 21500 titles of scientific journals, to more than 116000 e-books and to the World Wide Web, and possibility of automatic linking to the full text of the articles of the subscribed titles to HEAL-Link. Scopus database includes also citation indexes in all the sectors of science and technology.

Remote access via U Register

The JSTOR Essential Collection contains 681 core journals in 45 academic disciplines, including History, Psychology, Sociology, Business, Economics, Political Science, Philosophy, Archaeology, Law, Music, Literature, Art, Architecture, Mathematics, Geography, and other core fields of study and research.

Some of the important journals included are:

  • Ecology
  • The Philosophical Review
  • The American Political Science Review
  • The Journal of Philosophy
  • Mind
  • The American Economic Review
  • The Journal of Finance
  • The American Journal of Mathematics
  • International Affairs
  • The Journal of Hellenic Studies
  • The Classical Review
  • Architectural History
  • Twentieth Century Literature
  • Harvard Law Review
  • Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

In addition to the quality of content and coverage, the JSTOR Essential Collection offers users all the benefits of the JSTOR platform, including search capabilities, access to the JSTOR workspace, co-location with thousands of Open Access monographs and images, integration with discovery services, comprehensive data and usage reports, and access to JSTOR support services.

Remote access possible with Uregister and Proxy Server credentials

HeinOnline is an online research platform that provides over 215 million pages of multidisciplinary journals, key government documents, international sources, books, treaties and much more. Consisting of fully searchable, image-based PDFs, the wealth of material allows researchers to access authoritative digital material, reproduced exactly as it appears in print, without the hassle or cost of using multiple research databases from different platforms.

The HeinOnline Academic Core (International) package includes an entire digital library containing over 3,200 law and law-related journals published in over 60 different countries, along with thousands of legal data from Australia, Canada and Europe, a comprehensive Constitutions database, including constitutional and government documents from every country, nearly 20,000 books and Treaties, and a host of government publications. Subject Coverage:

  • Constitutional Law
  • Law of the Sea
  • Human Rights
  • Women’s Studies
  • Criminal Law
  • International Trade Law
  • Education

All documents in HeinOnline are exact copies of the original printed publications, provided in a fully searchable image-based format. Within the database, you will find content from trusted publishers such as Brill Nijhoff, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Sage and others. Researchers will appreciate the use of the unique search tools within the platform, using artificial intelligence and visual aids to maximize ease of investigation. For additional assistance, users can visit HeinOnline’s collection of help pages and libguides. For more information and a comprehensive list of the databases included in the package, click here.

Remote access possible with proxy server codes

Westlaw is a provider of online legal information and includes two databases:

  • Westlaw Edge UK focuses on UK and EU legal material, from case law and legislation to journals and a selection of professional commentary. This tier includes the most advanced features designed to make the service easy to use, while supporting even the most in-depth research tasks.
  • Westlaw International (Academic), a vast global legal research library based on some of the world’s best legal, news and business information. Providing 28,000 databases of case law, legislation, law reviews, treaties and directories sourced from Thomson Reuters businesses including Sweet & Maxwell, Ellis Publications and Carswell.

Remote access is possible with Uregister codes and then by creating an individual profile (one pass) from the following link: https://signon.thomsonreuters.com/federation/UKF?entityID=https%3A%2F%2Faai.heal-link.gr%2Fproxy%2Fsaml2%2Fidp%2Fmetadata&returnto=https%3A%2F%2Fuk.westlaw.com%2F ?

Here is a short video on creating a one pass account via uregister.

Access the current full text of 30 Wolters Kluwer – Kluwer Law International journals as well as all of their back issues and volumes via the Kluwer Law Online platform.

Kluwer Law Online offers a collection of 30 journals, which focus on key aspects of international law. It also provides timely information on the latest developments in international, regional and national legislation, regulations and case law in the following practice areas: Arbitration, Courts & Mediation, Comparative Law, Competition Law, Corporate & Commercial Law, Environmental & Energy Law, European Union Law, Intellectual Property Law, Labor & Employment Law, Tax Law, Commercial Law, Transport Law. These are prestigious peer-reviewed journals on international legal issues in many different areas of practice, written by experts from hundreds of countries around the world.

Remote access via proxy server codes.

Grove Art is an up-to-date scholarly art resource covering world art and architecture from prehistory to the present. It includes 30,000 articles signed and reviewed, accompanied by images, bibliographies and links to additional sources, contributed by more than 7000 scholars from around the world.

Remote access possible with Proxy Server passwords.

Grove Music is a major resource for music research with over 57,000 articles written by more than 6,000 scholars, documenting the diverse history, theory, and cultures of music around the world. Grove Music Online features 40,000 biographical articles providing information on the lives and detailed catalogs of works by composers, performers, and other important musicians, as well as more than 6,000 images, musical examples, and links to audio and video examples. Remote access possible with Proxy Server passwords.

The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae provides access to the full text of works surviving from the period of Homer (8th century BC) to 1453 AD. Today, the TLG database includes more than 110 million words, 10,000 ancient Greek texts, related to 4,000 authors. To access the TLG database, in addition to the IP address already registered with the provider, it is necessary to create an account for each user separately.

Periodicals Archive Online is a landmark digital archive that offers an outstanding interdisciplinary collection spanning two centuries in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, equivalent to 15 million digitized pages. With this tool, users can have instant access to a wealth of research material spanning multiple disciplines and publication types, with a wide selection of published research from 1802 to the 21st century.

Remote access possible via Uregister codes.

Coronovirus Research Database is available by Proquest with bibliography related to the Covid-19 Pandemic. It includes thousands of articles from renowned publishers and repositories internationally. The database is constantly being developed.

Remote access possible with Proxy Server codes.